I am...a woman who has seen sixty-eight November 9's pass by.
I wonder...who the old woman is, looking at me in the mirror, red hair now silvered, face wrinkled, eyes and posture drooping,
I hear...my name spoken when there is no one visible to have said it. I think it is just to get my attention or renew my focus.
I see...in color when I dream, whether sleeping or awake. Some people see more in a walk around the block than others see in a trip around the world. I'd like to be one of those.
I want...the best of everything. That, to me, can be simple and unadorned. Some of the best things in life are free.
I pretend...to be 'fine', even happy, when asked how I am if it makes someone more comfortable. A good friend calls this the "Fake it 'til you make it!" approach. Happiness is an inside job.
I feel...like I'm riding a roller-coaster, given the ups and downs of a disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis and it's cousin, Osteo. It can be difficult to prevent health-related issues and aging from defining me. I feel blessed to be better than I would be if I were not as good as I am.
I touch...to determine if bread dough or pie crust is just right. Touching piano keys requires greater effort now. The ready hugs come easy for some but not for all.
I worry...Favorite worries are hard to give up. Solving problems that create worry is easy. It's living with the solutions that is tough.
I am...sometimes silent. Silence is not only golden; it's seldom misquoted. I am also tenacious and like the road to success--I'm always under construction. While unable to leap tall buildings in a single bound, I am a climber of steep mountains, figuratively speaking.
I understand...a little bit of many things.
I say..."That's Gross. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I'm cold...put on a sweater. Is it hot in here? Don't even think about it! Can't trust the weatherman. Grandma's always right! Unthaw. (all things ending in "S"--WalMartS). It's not movie film"!
I dream...of companionship, dancing, figure skating, and in color with audio. Days of Demerol brought dreams of lacy cobwebs and one-way conversation. Old nightmares invade for no good reason.
I try...each day not to speak of pain, to use good judgement, to be courageous and less afraid, less judgmental, more at peace, more thoughtful and insightful. I try again the next day.
I hope...for more November 9's.
I am...just one person, but I am one. Everything begins with one, whether it is a step forward or backward.
"I say...": Yay! A list for your pull-string doll!
ReplyDelete"I try...": Wonderful. <3